23.Mar.2023 -

When Should I Replace My Knife Blades

The lifespan of knife blades depends on various factors, such as the size of the lawn area, the duration of mowing, and the type of grass. In general, we recommend checking the blades every 1 to 2 months and replacing them if necessary. An indicator of worn-out blades is a deterioration in the appearance of the lawn. If you examine a single blade of grass and notice that it is frayed at the top, it indicates that the blades are dull because the grass is no longer cleanly cut but rather chopped.

This fraying can make the grass dry out more easily when exposed to the sun. This results in the lawn appearing less green and can even lead to damage from burning. Additionally, it's important to check if the blades move freely. Contamination can cause the blades to no longer move smoothly, which in turn leads to uneven cutting of the lawn.

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